Which statement is correct based on the text? – Hack.ac.id

Which statement is correct based on the text?

  1. The exam will be held before nine.
  2. The students are allowed to use internet
  3. The student’s can put their dictionary in the locker
  4. The teacher put copies of material inside her locker.
  5. Semua jawaban benar

Jawaban: D. The teacher put copies of material inside her locker..

Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, which statement is correct based on the text the teacher put copies of material inside her locker..

Itulah tadi jawaban dari Which statement is correct based on the text?, semoga membantu.

Kemudian, Buk Guru sangat menyarankan siswa sekalian untuk membaca pertanyaan selanjutnya yaitu berikut ini yang bukan output sig selain peta adalah dengan penjelasan jawaban dan pembahasan yang lengkap.

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