what is the writer's intention to write the text – Hack.ac.id

Soursop is the fruit of Annona muricata, a broadleaf, flowering, evergreen tree native to Mexico, Cuba, Central America, the Caribbean islands of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, and northern South America, primarily Brazil, Peru, Equador, Venezuela. Soursop is also produced in all tropical parts of Africa, especially in Eastern Nigeria, The Plateau and The Democratic Republic of Congo, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. It is in the same genus, Annona, as cherimoya and is in the Annonaceae family.

The flavor has been described as a combination of strawberry and pineapple, with sour citrus flavor notes contrasting with an underlying creamy flavour reminiscent of coconut or banana.

Soursop is widely promoted (sometimes as “graviola”) as an alternative cancer treatment. There is, however, no medical evidence it is effective.

The plant is grown for its 20–30 cm (7.9–11.8 in) long, prickly, green fruit, which can have a mass of up to 6.8 kg (15 lb), making it probably the second biggest annona after the junglesop.

The flesh of the fruit consists of an edible, white pulp, some fiber, and a core of indigestible, black seeds. The species is the only member of its genus suitable for processing and preservation. The pulp is also used to make fruit nectar, smoothies, fruit juice drinks, as well as candies, sorbets, and ice cream flavorings.

What is the writer’s intention to write the text?


Tujuan dari penulis untuk menulis teks tersebut adalah menginformasikan kepada pembaca mengenai tanaman sirsak secara rinci. Agar informasi tersebut lengkap, penulis mendeskripsikan berbagai hal tentang sirsak, mulai dari bentuk tanamannya, buahnya, dan lain-lain.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah the writer’s intention to write the text is to inform the readers about soursop in details.

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