ciri kebahasaan teks cerita sejarah
Ciri kebahasaan teks cerita sejarah ditandai dengan adanya pronomina atau kata ganti, kata-kata yang menunjukan kejadian atau peristiwa, adanya kata kerja (verba) material, dan konjungsi (kata penghubung). … Frasa adverbial, meupakan kata yang menunjukan kejadian atau peristiwa, waktu, dan tempat.
Kemudian, Buk Guru sangat menyarankan siswa sekalian untuk membaca pertanyaan selanjutnya yaitu Teuku Umar Teuku Umar, who was born in Meulaboh, West Aceh in 1854, is the son of a Uleebalang named Teuku Ahmad Mahmud from marriage to Raja Meulaboh younger sister. He has two sisters and three brothers. Umar’s ancestor ws Datuk Makhudum Sati frm Minangkabau. He is a descendant of Rear Admiral Nanta who was a representative of the Sultanate of Aceh during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda in Pariaman. One of the descendants of Datuk Makhudum Sati had contributed to the Sultan of Aceh, who at that time was threatened by a Commander of Sagi who wanted to seize his power. Thanks to his services, the person was appointed Uleebalang VI Mukim with the title Teuku Nan Ranceh. Teuku Nan Nan Ranceh has two sons, Teuku Nanta Setia and Teuku Ahmad Mahmud. After Teuku Nan Ranceh died, Teuku Nanta Setia replaced his father as Uleebalang VI Mukim. He has a daughter named Cut Nyak Dhien. Teuku Umar, from his childhood, was known as a smart, brave child, and sometimes liked to fight with his peers. He also has a hard and unyielding nature in dealing with all problems. Teuku Umar never received formal educations. Nevertheless, he was able to become a strong, intelligent, and courageous leader. The type of the text above is? dengan penjelasan jawaban dan pembahasan yang lengkap.